OZ-100 Super Stabilized Lubricant Agent

OZ-100 is a micro particle organic polymer. It is a multi-functions lubricant of stabilizer agent.



OZ-100 is a micro particle organic polymer. It is a multi-functions lubricant of stabilizer agent.



Grade OZ-100
Color(Apha) 150
Color (Gardner) 1
Acid value (A.V.) or
Neutralization Value (N. V.) 2.0
Iodine Value (I. V.) 2.5
Hydroxy Value (OH.V. ) 157
Saponification Value (S.V.) 175-185
Melting point (M.P.) Degree C. 85



  • Suitable for PVC, PP, PE, PET, ABS, PS processing, and other applications
  • Non-toxic
  • All kinds of engineering plastic and elastomers
  • Thermosetting products: phenolic resin, epoxy resin, melamine, unsaturated polyester resin, other moulding material additive….etc.
  • Apply to rubber processing mold releasing agent, and modifier of ink and paint.
  • Increase mold releasing ability for thermosetting and thermoplastic resin.
  • Resist to weather, light & aging due to time.
  • Better static electricity effect
  • Increase foaming and make foaming average & feeling soften.
  • Speeding production
  • Decrease the pressure of screw & cylinder and extend the life of extrusion machine
  • Improve dispersion
  • Avoid color difference or discoloring.
  • Also suggested for rubber processing & printing modifying.



     Usage about 0.7~2.0 PHR.

     Packing : 15 kg paper bag

     Storage: Please keep dry during storage & avoiding moisture.