
For PU wet leather, increase anti-viscosity, accelerates the aggregation rate

Eliminate the crater and film orange skin phenomenon



Grade GY-1396
Ingredients A synthetic polymer-modified silicon cave
Appearance Transparent liquid with light color
Specific gravity 0.9
Flashover point 26℃


  1. For PU wet leather, increase anti-viscosity, accelerates the aggregation rate
  2. Eliminate the crater and film orange skin phenomenon
  3. Add to the dry PU leather improves the friction coefficient and increased scratch resistance as well as buckling
  4. The low surface tension, increase the wet ability of bottom
  5. Tough additives and modification agents for polyurethane (PU) resin
  6. Promote mobility to let thick film flat
  7. Excellent compatibility with the relevant resin



Proposed addition of 0.1% -2%, can be add at any stage of the process