Acid Testing Data

Sour gas a week in the laboratory to simulate soft foam material after processing (such as: cutting foam) in a warehouse environment, suffered NOx gas attack caused foam yellowing phenomenon.


Sour gas a week in the laboratory to simulate soft foam material after processing (such as: cutting foam) in a warehouse environment, suffered NOx gas attack caused foam yellowing phenomenon.

Acid gas experiments

Laboratory acidic environment

Sample Size: 200mm thick soft PU foam (TDI Base)

Add amount: 2%, 3% GGK-690

Measurement Unit: acid index

Foam density: 0.03 ~ 0.05 g / cm3

Test time: 168hrs


The experimental results

Add 3% GGK-690 PU rigid foam provides good light sour gas effectiveness; make foam yellow index fell to 6.27 and 5.35 YI, 13.5 better than the foam was not added.