Air-Purifying Pellet

Air-Purifying Pellet is an innovative and functional product which can meet the needs of removing odor and purifying the air.   



As eco-conscious has gained ground in recent years, the issue of air pollution (PM2.5) has been highly concerned by the public. GYC has specially developed Air-Purifying Pellet which is light, space-saving, and able to effectively purify the air. The experiment has shown that in 30 seconds, Air-Purifying Pellet will reduce the smoke in glass bottle filled with smoke produced by the cigarettes. The smoke-filled bottle will be in a smokeless condition for another 30 seconds. It can be used in absorbing secondhand smoke, PM 2.5, and pollen. Air-Purifying Pellet is an innovative and functional product which can meet the needs of removing odor and purifying the air.   



Grade Air-Purifying Pellet
Appearance Pellet


  • Air purification          
  • Deodorization
  • Secondhand smoke
  • Pollen
  • PM 2.5