BA-704 Solid Epoxy Resin

Applied in powder coatings, protective coating, and linings.


Detailed Product Description

Solid epoxy resin
Applied in powder coatings, protective coating, and linings.



Grade BA-704
EEW (g/eq) 780-850
Viscosity (25oC ) S-W
Color(Gardner) 1 max.
Softening Point (oC) 96-107


  • Protective Coating
  • Linings
  • Powder Coating



25 KG/ bag



Bisphenol A Epoxy resins
Spec. Grade name EEW Application  
Liquid Epoxy resin BA series 177-206  Encapsulation for electrical components
Solid  BA 700 series 450-3800 Protective Coating ,Linings 
Solution type BA series 230-1000 Marine & Protective Coatings
Phenol Novolac Epoxy Resin 
Grade name EEW      
PN series 167-187      
O-Cresol Novolac Epoxy Resin
Grade name EEW Application  
CN-002 series 190-205 Transfer Molding Compound
CN-591 series 190-205 Adhesive, Transfer Molding Compound.
Solid Bisphenol A Novolac Epoxy 
Spec. Grade name EEW Application  
solid SBN002 190-210  Multi-functional Epoxy Resin
liquid LBN002A70 190-210 Coating, Electric Laminates, Adhesive
Halogen-Free Epoxy Resin   
Grade name EEW Application  
NHBE series 350-490 Phosphate Multi-functional Epoxy resin