Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1

Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 produced by GO YEN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (GYC Group), is a water-based, and can be painted in a variety of cement walls, the degree of adhesion is excellent, easy construction, and without adding any formaldehyde, mercury, and heavy metals.



Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 produced by GO YEN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (GYC Group), is a water-based, and can be painted in a variety of cement walls, the degree of adhesion is excellent, easy construction, and without adding any formaldehyde, mercury, and heavy metals. Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 can effectively block heat of combustion of the substrate, and also be isolated from the air, so that the substrate does not burn. Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 has excellent fire resistance, even at high temperatures of the combustion flame, does not produce any toxic fumes, acrid taste, non-foaming, non-peeling paint. In a short time won’t raise the temperature due to high thermal conductivity, to put an end to the heat source, thin coating can, this is fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1’s most unique characteristics.
Recently reviewed, governments have strict requirements for fireproof protection of building materials, fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 is indeed an under-breaking invention, and in response to the requirements of each country, and apply this product to ensure agreement with all current fire regulations published. Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 of coating thickness of 1.5mm pass the fireproof test of  national standard CNS 14705-1, certificated by SGS.
Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 has another function, can also apply to the metal to prevent corrosion, even applied to rusted metal, rust on steel, water knife or a wet cloth to remove surface rust can work. Usually when iron products rust must do sand-blasting before rust-proof coating, and then apply a fireproof paint. If want to do coating but does not rust-removing, the original rust will appear, fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 does not has such phenomenon. Eliminating sandblasting, pickling costs, especially for the old sump, steel construction is extremely suitable. Fireproof rustproof coating KMT-1 of coating thickness of 1.5mm pass the salt spray test of prescribed national standard CNS 11607 for 24 hours, certificated by SGS, no swelling, corrosion and other phenomena.



  • Water-based, eco-friendly
  • Non-foaming while burning
  • Non-peeling paint while burning
  • Non-smoking while burning
  • Non-chalking while burning
  • Non-smell while burning
  • Non-toxic
  • Rustproof
  • Fireproof
  • Heat isolation
  • Good adhesion
  • Ease of construction
  • Color setting by yourself
  • Fireproof certified by SGS of CNS 14705-1
  • Salt spray test certified by SGS of CNS 11607



  • House, apartment
  • Commercial office building
  • Indoor and outdoor fireproof paint
  • Bricks
  • Concrete
  • Fire doors
  • Steel body


Construction Recommendations

  1. The surface of the water, oil, sludge, dust, rust, corrosive salts and other contaminants must be thoroughly cleaned.
  2. KMT-1A agent with the KMT-1B agent weight ratio of 1: 0.3.
  3. Using brush, roller, and airless spray for construction.
  4. After the coating apparatus to be used, should be washed immediately.
  5. Avoid to working on humid environment and rainy day.


Construction Method


The KMT-1A agent (powder) and the KMT-1B (liquid) in 1:0.3 ratios gradually stirring evenly dispersed.

   Dilution method

Using water and soft water, after KMT-1A and KMT-1B agent mixing is completed, then adding water to the required concentration.

    Surface Treatment

  1. Before painting the dirt on building shall be removed, if there are old paint on building must be removed.
  2. After 20 minutes, if necessary, a second layer was applied of coating thickness of 100μm.
  3. For post-coated layer was required four hours after application, before brushing about 150μm, and leave for 24-36 hours, depending on use environment completely dried.

   Tools cleaning

After using the tool, immediately wash with water until no residue so far.

   Construction methods

  1. Spray: When spraying, the gun and the surface maintain a 90 degree angle to achieve the best results.
  2. Roller: Suitable flat surface construction, carried out with a short brush roller.
  3. Brush: For different sizes of aqueous brush.

    Period of use

KMT-1A plus KMT-1B agent is not mixed long-term storage, be sure to use immediately after mixing.


  1. KMT-1A plus KMT-1B agent mixed of container and tools need to be washed with water.
  2. Stored at a cool dry place.