GGK-MT-13 High Effect Matted Surface Agent



Grade GGK-MT-13
Appearance Powder
Color white
Specific surface area (N2) (M2/g) 190
Oil absorption (ml/100g) 240
Average particle size (μm) 10
Loss on drying 2h at 105℃ (%) ≦ 7.0
pH value 6.5
Sieve residue 45μm (%) ≦ 1.5
Electrical conductivity (μS/cm) ≦ 1300
Density (g/l) 90
Thermal Weight Loss 2h at 1000℃ (%) 4.5




  •      Can provide product outstanding flatting effect and reach prominent foggy effect
  •      Reduce the luster and avoid dizzying light
  •      Provide soft effect to products




  •      Various coating, paint, and ink.
  •      Various thermosetting and thermoplastic plastics.
  •      Various industries paper flatting application
  •      Various resin and polymer flatting application
  •      Natural rubber, synthetic rubber flatting effect
  •      Various indoor and outdoor decoration