GOYENCHEM-HEC Hydroxyethyl cellulose CAS No.9004-62-0

GOYENCHEM-HEC can be widely used in petroleum exploration, pain, construction, rubber tire crossed the material, medical food, textile, papermaking and polymer polymerization reaction.



GOYENCHEM-HEC Hydroxyethyl cellulose is a non-ionic water-soluble polymer that dissoves in both cold and hot water. The dissolution rate increases with increasing temperature and is generally insoluble in most organic solvents. GOYENCHEM-HEC has good pH stability, small changes in viscosity in the pH 2-12 range.
GOYENCHEM-HEC has the advantages of thickening, suspending, dispersing, emulsifying, bonding, film forming, hydrophilic water retention, salt resistance, moisture absorption and providing protective colloid. Its aqueous solution has surface activity. It can be made of anhydrous transparent medium strength, not easily contaminated with oil, not affected by light, still has a water-soluble film.
GOYENCHEM-HEC can be widely used in petroleum exploration, pain, construction, rubber tire crossed the material, medical food, textile, papermaking and polymer polymerization reaction.




Chemical name Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
CAS No. 9004-62-0
Appearance Powder
Color White to light yellow
Viscosity (2% SOL, 20℃) 27000-33000 cps
Water content 6% max.
pH value 7~8
Insoluble content 0.5 max.


  1. Can be used as latex coating dispersion and protective colloid to improve the stability of polymerization reaction system, pigments, fillers and other additives dispersed evenly, also provide thickening effect and improve leveling.
  2. Slurry thickening stablilizer, lubricant, provide fluidity and stability.
  3. Used for painting gypsum, bonding gypsum can enhance water retention.
  4. Drilling, completion and cementing for Oil exploration.
  5. Increase the density of skin care products, with excellent lubrication and silky feel.




  1. Dispersing agent
  2. Water retaining agent
  3. Thickener
  4. Suspension agent
  5. Film stabilizer
  6. Polymer, plastic, rubber crossed material
  7. Oil exploration
  8. Grout, mortar
  9. Gypsum
  10. Skin care products
  11. Other applications such as ink, textile printing and dyeing, paper making, medicine, food and agriculture and other industries.


