GoyenchemAO-1024 Antioxidant CAS No.32687-78-8

  • High effective hindered phenolic antioxidant
  • Excellent metal deactivator for polyolefins/ thermoplastic elastomer/wire &cable 
  • Remarkable extraction resistance


Structural formula:   



Molecular weight, g/mol : 552.8

Formula: C34H52N2O4  

Chemical Name:



Grade GoyenchemAO-1024
Appearance White, to off-white powder
Melting range (℃) 221℃-232℃
Flash point (℃) >356℉
Ash content 0.1%max
Heat loss 0.5%max
Transmittance(2g in 100ml methanol) at 425 nm  96% min

at 500 nm  98% min

Assay (By HPLC) 99% min

Solubility  (g /100g,20°C)

THF 12
Acetone 4
Chloroform 0.4
Methanol 4
Ethyl acetate 0.5
Methylene chloride 0.25
Toluene <0.01
Water <0.01


  • High effective hindered phenolic antioxidant
  • Excellent metal deactivator for polyolefins/ thermoplastic elastomer/wire &cable 
  • Remarkable extraction resistance
  • Prominent processing stabilization 
  • Can use alone or match with other phenolic antioxidant such as GOYENCHEM-AO1010



  • Wire & cable
  • Polyolefins
  • Various thermoplastic elastomers
  • Copper insulation



  • GYC technical department suggest the adding amount of GOYENCHEM-AO1024 is 0.1-0.2%.  However, customers can adjust it depend on different application or requirement.


Packing / Storage   

  • 40kg/ drum