GOYENCHEMUV-765 CAS No. 41556-26-7

GOYENCHEMUV-765 is a typical hindered ammonium type of liquid light stabilizer. It can eliminate free radical which high polymer produced by sunshine, and it also has heat stable effect. Therefore, it is economic and effective light stabilizer.



GOYENCHEMUV-765 is a typical hindered ammonium type of liquid light stabilizer. It can eliminate free radical which high polymer produced by sunshine, and it also has heat stable effect. Therefore, it is economic and effective light stabilizer.
Structural Formula
CAS Name: Bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl)Sebacate 
CAS No. : 41556-26-7 
Molecular weight  :  508.8


Appearance : transparent liquid

Boiling Point    :  300°C

Specific Gravity: 0.99
Butanol : >50
Ethyl glycol  : >50
MEK : >50
Butyl acetate :  >50
Styrene: >50
TMPTA: >50
Water : No


1. Polyurethane: Provide endurable weather resistance for TPU, PU leather,PU Foam,  usage amount 0.3-0.5%, combine with GOYENCHEM-328, have synergism effect.
2. Coating: Apply for car powder coating with GOYENCHEM-328, usage amount 0.5- 1%

3. Apply for UV/EB.Coating, usage amount 0.3-2%
4. Apply for TPU, Object coating, Urethane Coating, plastic coating, epoxy resin, wood coating.
Packing/ Storage

20 kg / 50 kg /bag 

Please store it in airtight container and place in dark and dry place.