GY-2000 High-Tech Nanometer SIO2 Protection For Construction



According to our experiences, water leakage into new, aged or old buildings or many structures is rarely noticeable but serious. In case construction absorb the rainwater until someday problems occur, we find that it need spend much more money & time to retrieve such a terrible situation. It is why GO YEN CHEMICAL CO. LTD. is dedicated to develop & solve the destructive influence water intrusion and other elements have on building materials.
NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 SUPER, one of high-tech nanometer protection for construction, is designed to industrial needs for protecting building materials from the damaging impacts of water penetration and repeated freeze/thaw. It is developed by GO YEN CHEMICAL CO. LTD. that devotes long-term research to manufacture the specialty protection with solutions to multi-purpose architectural requirements.
NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 Super, clear & transparent water-based & safe environmentally friendly liquid, is uniquely characterized to penetrate into building substrate, react effectively with materials inside and form a strong permanent bond beneath the surface, then create a hydrophobic zone that prevents water molecules from entering, while allowing free migration of migration of water vapors.
The unique performance is best suggestion for uses to various building surfaces, historic spots & materials. Distinguished from other similar products, our latest NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 Super is produced & formulated by Nanometer technology & inorganic chemical system with 100% breathable capacity & flame retard function. However, it also confers excellent durability to prevent building materials from salt damage, freeze harm & moisture permeation.
General suppliers always offer with solvent system or copolymer resins’ systems that only provide initial & temporary effects to proof moisture and salt, not durable virtually.   
NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 Super is designed with specially-formulates of nanometer technology, which directly applied to surfaces of new or aged building materials, such as Dense Masonry Block, Concrete Brick, Architectural Block & Walls, RC Walls, Gypsum Ceiling Panels, Calcium Silicate Boards, Vertical Surfaces, Concrete, Stucco, Cement Plasters, Composite Construction with a variety of substrates, etc and rapidly enter inside, bond & strength materials’ structure as well as create exceptional & durable water repellent capacity.
For cost-efficient consideration, GO YEN CHEMICAL CO. LTD. strong suggest that NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 Super can be diluted with 3 times water by weight ratio (kg) and mix completely for apply. Through spraying, rolling, painting, it can automatically enter and enhance the strength of building materials effectively and keep original materials’ property as well as outward appearance or colors of your buildings.



  • High & durable water-repellent capacity and lock moisture enter.
  • Cost-Saving : NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 Super can add & mix 3 times water by weight (kg) ratio.
  • NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 Super : Water = 1 : 3
  • Very Simply Apply: the users / industries can use spray, rolling or painting.
  • Good & durable Freeze-Resistance – Own the excellent cold & freeze resistant effect
  • Strong & Durable Flame Retardant: Differently from other PU coatings or Waterproof paints, it confers excellent flame retardant capacity to buildings.
  • Exceptional & durable Salt-resistant function
  • NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 Super with clear & transparent design can maintain the appearance of building, such as concrete masonry construction while providing good protection from water intrusion.
  • It is safe environment friendly. Free of solvent and hazardous ingredients.
  • It is rapidly enter inside when applied to materials surface.
  • Help to strengthen building materials & its structure.
  • Enhance resistance to efflorescence; freeze thaw damage, cracking & spalling.  
  • Simply to apply on multi-kinds of materials’ surface
  • Optimal protection to buildings structure from Acid rain, freeze & salt harms.
  • Rapid dry in short time, approximately 7~10 minutes.
  • Can is used to direct add & mix with cement materials, then
  • Produced out high additive-value cement products.




It can be applied to multi-kinds untreated building materials’ surfaces.

  • Various kinds of new or old materials.
  • All untreated mineral and aggregate materials, such as Sandstone,
  • Limestone, Clay tile & Stucco, etc.
  • Concrete Bricks or floorings
  • Red Bricks & mortars
  • Building blocks & walls
  • Gypsum ceiling panels & industrial gypsum pipes for prevent vapor.
  • RC Walls
  • Dense Masonry Block, Concrete Masonry
  • Granites
  • Marble
  • Calcium Silicate Boards
  • Stucco
  • Clay Bricks
  • Cement Plasters
  • Other concrete structures
  • Used to protect & maintain bridges, parking garages, underground parking lot, airport pavements, industrial plants, industrial insulation pipes, etc.
  • Ideal for field or in-plant treatment of concrete or GFRC Limitations.
  • Applied to seal chimneys, walkways, tuck-point, grout, parking decks, drive ways, etc.
  • Also used to provide a vapor barrier in damp areas.





NANO-SIO2 GY-2000 SUPER : WATER = 1 : 3



Spread Rate

G Above recommended data is provided as suggestion only. There may be variations in substrate porosity, which require more or less material for optimum results. The users still depend on local working surfaces, size of surface, apply conditions & materials and adjust on their own according to formulas, costs & experiences.


It does not affect other coatings to use GY-2000. So after applying GY-2000 on working surfaces, it is OK to use other paints/coatings products that would not cause chemical changes.



The above data is provided as after mixing with water by weight (Kg) ratio 1: 3.




20 Kg/ Plastic Drum
200 Kg/ Plastic Drum