GY-ANTIBIOTIC-99 Antibiotic Agent

GY-ANTIBIOTIC-99, developed by GYC, is an antibiotic agent with low volatility and consists of no HCHO. GY-ANTIBIOTIC-99 eliminates microorganism rapidly and restrain the growth of yeast, bacteria, and fungus.



GO YEN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (GYC GROUP) is a leading manufacturer of specialty chemicals in Asia. We devote ourselves to supplying products and solutions to our customers worldwide to satisfy and expand the market needs.

Water is the most universal matter in the production of water-based coating, ink, and resin. However, it also provides a fitting environment for microorganisms like mold, which causes the corruption of materials and affects the quality of products. GY-ANTIBIOTIC-99, developed by GYC, is an antibiotic agent with low volatility and consists of no HCHO. It possesses excellent stability. GY-ANTIBIOTIC-99 eliminates microorganism rapidly and restrain the growth of yeast, bacteria, and fungus. It can be applied to various water-based coating and resins.



Physical State Liquid
Color Light green
Specific Gravity 1.06 g/cm3
pH Value 3~5
Stability Excellent
Solubility Can dissolve in water



  • No HCHO, low volatility
  • Eliminates/Restrains microorganism
  • Highly effective broad-spectrum fungicide
  • Rapid antibiotic effect
  • Excellent stability



  • Water-based latex
  • Water-based acrylic, PU
  • Water-based slurry
  • PVA / PVA tackifier
  • Water-based printing ink
  • Water-based metalworking fluid
  • Other water-based antibiotic application


Adding Rate

Recommended adding rate: 0.3-1.5%

The adding rate is to be regarded as a general guideline that can be adjusted according to different formulas.

Recommended processing environment: <40℃, pH<9


