GY-GA-PASTE-W1 Water-Based Graphene Slurry

GY-GA-PASTE-W1 is a high-quality graphene slurry chemical aimed at water-based applications. Its delicate thickness, excellent conductivity, and mechanical properties make it easy to disperse in the different waterborne systems.



GY-GA-PASTE-W1 is a high-quality graphene slurry chemical aimed at water-based applications. Its delicate thickness, excellent conductivity, and mechanical properties make it easy to disperse in the different waterborne systems. Our graphene slurry can live up to the demand of innovative energy resources, chemical industry, aerospace and military facilities…etc.



Appearance Grey-black slurry (liquid)
Solid content 5 wt%
Layer average thickness around 4 nm
Layer size 5~15 µm
pH value 6~7



  • Delicate/thin thickness. Good homogeneity.
  • Even the structure of the graphene layer
  • Intact layer structure to ensure its conductivity, heat dissipation, and physical features.
  • Good dispersion and stability in various materials



  • Battery and supercell
  • Heat conduction & radiation material
  • Various waterborne coating
  • Other composite material


Method & Note

  • Completely sealed after opened for storage.
  • Separate dosage can ensure good dispersion.
  • Add the dispersing agent to adjust the pH value between 8.5~10.
  • Use a high-speed shear emulsion mixer to raise the dispersity.
  • Can be diluted into low viscosity and high fluidity based on demand.