GY-MCP-10 Micropores Opening Masterbatch for PE Film

GY-MCP-10 is suited for use in the applications of flat film extrusion, blown film, uniaxial orientation (machine direction or transverse direction), biaxial orientation, etc. PE microporous film can be used in diaper back-sheets, pad bottom-sheets, facial masks, other hygiene products, industrial products, medical products, agriculture materials, house wraps, and so forth where air/moisture breathability and water resistance are required.



GO YEN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (GYC GROUP) is a leading manufacturer of functional additives in Asia, and has earmarked large amounts of funds for innovating new products to meet the market needs.

Polyethylene (PE) is currently a common plastic in use today which features great processability, chemical stability, acid/alkali resistance, and is immiscible in solvents. PE is generally classified as LDPE, LLDPE, MDPE, HDPE according to its molecular weight. It is mostly used in translucent or opaque bottles, bags, thin films, etc.

Although PE features the benefits mentioned above and can be used to produce various products, PE products show poor breathability, which limits the range of its applications where air and moisture breathability is required.

To broaden the usage and applications of PE, GO YEN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CO., TLD. (GYC GROUP) developed GY-MCP-10 micropores opening masterbatch for PE microporous film which features outstanding compatibility and processing behavior during PE pellet compounding.

The production process of PE microporous film is as follows: Mixing GY-MCP-10 with PE material and plastifying to form a melt, pressurizing the melt, extruding and cooling the film, pre-heating and stretching the base film, cooling and setting. The pre-heating and stretching process not only forms micro open pores on the film, through which can the air pass, but also improves its mechanical properties, surface gloss and transparency resulting from the stretched high polymer. Most of the PE microporous films are produced through flat film extrusion (casting), while some of them may be produced through blown film and stretched in the machine direction afterwards. GY-MCP-10 is suited for use in the applications of flat film extrusion, blown film, uniaxial orientation (machine direction or transverse direction), biaxial orientation, etc. PE microporous film can be used in diaper back-sheets, pad bottom-sheets, facial masks, other hygiene products, industrial products, medical products, agriculture materials, house wraps, and so forth where air/moisture breathability and water resistance are required.



Appearance Pellet
Color White
Specific weight 1.9 g/cm3
Moisture < 0.3%



  • PE film that GY-MCP-10 is added features great air and moisture breathability
  • PE film that GY-MCP-10 is added shows great water resistance
  • Broadens the usage and applications of PE
  • Outstanding compatibility and processing behavior during PE pellet compounding due to its pellet form
  • Great dispersivity and mixedness
  • Ease of operating and produces no dust



After mixing GY-MCP Series with the materials and through the pre-heating and stretching process, micro open pores will be formed on the film which make it breathable, water vapor permeable, and water proof.



  • Hygiene products: facial mask, baby diaper back-sheet, feminine pad, etc.
  • Medical clothing: surgical gowns, surgical drape, etc.
  • Industrial clothing: industrial protective garments
  • Agriculture material: agriculture film
  • Building materials: house wrap, roofing membrane
  • Applications where air/moisture breathability and water resistance are required
  • Flat film extrusion (casting)
  • Blown film
  • Uniaxial orientation (machine direction or transverse direction)
  • Biaxial orientation


Application Guidelines

GY-MCP Series are suited for use in the applications of flat film extrusion and blown film

  1. Mix GY-MCP-10 micropores opening masterbatch with PE materials
  2. Plastify to form a melt, pressurize the melt, extrude and cooling the film
  3. Pre-heating and stretching the base film
  4. Cooling and setting


*The application guidelines above are regarded as general guidelines which can be adjusted according to the actual condition of processing and operating.


